Are you being abused?
Trust your gut feeling...
"One of the best ways to tell if you are being abused is to trust your gut feeling. This is a difficult task, if your abuser has managed to make you doubt your own sanity, but it is vital to your survival and healing.
Certainly, if they are physically abusing you, there will be scratches, bites, bruises, cuts, and other injuries to indicate what's going on.
Remember that assaulting and battering someone is a criminal offense, and you don't deserve it no matter how old or young you are, how mad the person became, or whether you were having a heated argument with them beforehand."
As the saying goes: "Your right to hit me ends where the end of my nose begins." - Maia
Psychological and emotional battering, through verbal abuse, accompanies physical battering. It kills your spirit. It cripples your self-esteem and your sense of self-worth. In many ways, this type of abuse does far more damage and long-term devastation than do physical blows. Unfortunately, with this type of abuse, it can't be recognized as easily as a black eye, a bruise or a broken bone... and it almost always occurs behind closed doors.Because they have not witnessed your partner acting abusively, friends and family members often do not understand or believe. Abusers are usually excellent actors, therefore, many people outside your home may only know your partner as a "wonderful person" or a "really great guy." Little do they suspect how cruel and spiteful your partner truly is.
Closed door abuse, in whatever form it takes... breaks hearts. We are left alone to wonder... Why does he treat me like this? Why only me? Why not anyone else?
When our partner abuses us in any way, our self-esteem and self-worth begin to wither and die. We may think there is something "wrong" with us. We may begin to feel that we are not likeable or loveable. We may turn to drugs or alcohol to help us cope. We feel shamed... eventually we may feel angry and enraged.
Please be aware: When anger is hidden or buried or turned inward... it can often make itself known through "depression." We may think, feel and honestly believe that we are suffering with depression, but in truth, we are quietly eating ourselves up with repressed rage over feeling hurt, humiliated and isolated.
Psychological and Emotional Battering Through Verbal Abuse
Nobody has the right to abuse anyone else, ever.
Many women think or believe, that if they are not being physically harmed by their partner, then they are not being abused. This is far from true. If you are in a relationship which is draining something from you... you might not have recognized that your partner is eroding your self-esteem and happiness through verbal, mental, emotional and other forms of abuse.
The following is a list of ways to tell if someone is abusing you without physically touching you:
Do they physically get in your way, or follow you from room to room? Do they snap at you? Are they usually irritable? Does all of this usually take place in private, when you are alone? [It's a sure sign things are escalating if the abuser attacks you in public.]
[ Psychological & Emotional Battering from Maia's abuse survivor site. Thank you for making this information available ]
Destruction of Property and Pets
Another type of abuse manifests itself in the form of destruction of property and pets. Unlike physical or sexual violence, this form of battering is done without actually attacking or ever touching the victim's body. It is, nevertheless, an assault on the victim.
With this type of abuse, the destruction is not random.The abuser exhibits anger by destroying the victim's favorite possessions that are thrown against the wall, a gift he gave during courtship, a pet puppy is kicked, a family heirloom destroyed, etc. The objects chosen for destruction are aimed at hurting the victim emotionally as well as a demonstration of power and control.
Occasionally the objects destroyed are selected randomly, but the destruction is still purposeful. To make a point, objects are thrown or destroyed and the victim never knows when the assaults on property will turn into physical assaults. As is consistent with battering and abuse of any type, the victim is usually blamed for causing the outburst or destruction of the property.
This type of violence normally does not stay contained within the area of property and pets, but escalates to include violence directed physically toward the victim. Don't ignore the danger of this type of abuse!
Other Abusive Acts and Behaviors
How does your partner treat you?
How many of these abusive things has your partner done to you?
- Has he ignored your feelings? Does he ridicule or insult women as a group?
- Has he ridiculed or insulted your most valued beliefs, your religion, race, heritage or class?
- Does he withhold approval, appreciation or affection as punishment?
- Has he continually criticized you? Called you names? Shouted at you?
- Does he humiliate you in private or public? Has he refused to socialize with you?
- Has he kept you from working? Controlled your money? Made all decisions? Has he refused to work or share money?
- Does he play mind games on you? Does he tell you you're crazy or sick?
- Has he taken car keys or money away from you?
- Does he threaten to leave you or tell you to leave? Has he manipulated you with lies and contradictions?
- Has he threatened to hurt you or your family? Has he abused, tortured, killed pets to hurt you?
- Does he harass you about affairs he imagines you are having? Does he say that he will kill or hurt herself if you break up with him?
- Has he destroyed objects or furniture? Kicked holes in walls? Broken appliances?
- Has he wielded a gun or weapons in a threatening way?
- Does he tell you that if you changed he wouldn't get angry with you? Does he have a short temper that escalates intensely if you oppose him?
- Does he make excuses for him abuse by saying it's because of alcohol, drugs or something you did?
- Does he always check up on you or question you about what you do when he is not around?
- Does him jealousy and control stop you from seeing friends or family? Does he prevent you from going out or doing things you want to do?
Does he do any of these things?
[ Does he do any of these things? from Thank you for making this information available ]
How do you feel around your partner?
Your situation is critical if the following applies to you:
- You express your opinions less and less freely.
- You find yourself walking on eggshells, careful of when and how to say something.
- You long for that softer, more vulnerable part of your partner to emerge.
- You find yourself making excuses for your partner's behavior?
- You feel emotionally unsafe.
- You feel its somehow not OK to talk with others about your relationship.
- You hope things will change...especially through your love and understanding.
- You find yourself doubting your memory or sense of reality.
- You doubt your own judgment.
- You doubt your abilities.
- You feel vulnerable and insecure.
- You are becoming increasingly depressed.
- You feel increasingly trapped and powerless.
- You have been or are afraid of your partner.
- Your partner has physically hurt you, even once.
[ Situation Critical... from Thank you for making this information available ]
Feeling scared, humiliated, pressured or controlled is not the way you should feel in a relationship. If you have those feelings listen to them. They are telling you that something is very wrong with your relationship.The most damaging aspect of abuse is the trauma to our hearts and souls from being betrayed by the people that we love and trust." - Robert Burney |
Heart 2 Heart gratefully acknowledges and sincerely thanks all resources :)
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Email: Heart 2 Heart
Mon - Fri 10:00 am - 4:00 pm EST
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Heart 2 Heart lives in Ontario, Canada
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