Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Concentrate your powers. Identify what you are particularly good at doing and do more of it. -- Brian Tracy

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Friday, September 17, 2021

More I let go, the easier it flows and rolls

Let go and let it roll

Go with the flow schmo





Why You Can't Think Straight

 Media news ads advertising 
fantasy unreal unrealistic characters in stories 

telling you what you should be, have, think, eat, drink, go, own,
hobbies, habits, way to dress, what to drive, where to live, vacation

comparing yourself oneself to any other being

Too many outside influences input

Your eyes are open too much: CLOSE YOUR EYES more often

Your ears are hearing too much: SHUT OFF the noise, chatter, other people
talking about stuff you don't need to listen to

BLOCK it out

You lost focus and direction and became scattered

You listen to too many fools telling you what to do

You lost touch with your core inner intuition self
that you were born with. Every child is in touch with nature.
This is why we love children and young people and baby animals so much. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Misery lies in materialism.

Definition of materialistic

 ma·​te·​ri·​al·​is·​tic | \ mə-ˌtir-ē-ə-ˈli-stik  \

Definition of materialistic

1: overly concerned or preoccupied with material possessions rather than with intellectual or spiritual things

We had always watched The Beverly Hillbillies, and the Andy Griffith Show, where the country folks had to set things straight for the more materialistic city folk.

— Artie Ann Bates

Paying high prices for furniture and art is surely a reflection of an increasingly materialistic age.

— Carol Vogel

2: of, relating to, or deriving from the theory or doctrine of materialism (see MATERIALISM sense 1)

With the so-called Enlightenment, however, a linear, reductionistic, and materialistic view of the universe arose.

— David Fideler

Other Words from materialistic

materialistically \ mə-​ˌtir-​ē-​ə-​ˈli-​sti-​k(ə-​)lē  \ adverb

 The sin of disobedience to the heavenly vision cannot be atoned for with dollars, and the spiritual loss is highly visible in a self-centered, materialistically minded people.

— Robertson McQuilkin

I say I AM ...................... He says I HAVE

Materialistic opposites of


Opposite of being overly concerned with material possessions and wealth

spiritual abstemious estheticUS aestheticUK intellectual mental religious thrifty ungreedy artistic pleasing decorative tasteful beautiful lovely attractive ornamental pretty exquisite fancy elegant enhancing graceful stylish beautifying in good taste


Opposite of disposed to gains or gaining something

generous bountiful lavish liberal unselfish bounteous munificent open-handed unstinting altruistic philanthropic benevolent idealistic humanitarian philanthropical beneficent compassionate selfless good eleemosynary kind magnanimous noble big humane free-handed big-hearted self-restrained self-sacrificing do-good charitable nongreedy

Opposite of relating to humankind's material existence as distinct from a spiritual or heavenly one

heavenly spiritual unearthly nontemporal unworldly ethereal immaterial immortal otherworldly supernatural inconceivable mental religious sacred divine holy noncorporeal transcendental nonsecular monastic theological godly unrefined low idealistic


Opposite of concerned with money or possessions rather than the needs of the mind or spirit

nonmaterial intellectual spiritual emotional soulful personal moral psychological of the heart

“She was an appreciative consumer of my cooking, low maintenance, and a nonmaterial girl with a sense of humor.”


Opposite of ambitious or driven towards a particular goal



Opposite of belonging to or characteristic of values and attitudes of the middle class

proletarian unconventional adventurous imaginative inspired nonconforming original untraditional


Opposite of aggressively greedy or grasping

generous satisfied temperate


Opposite of having a familiarity with, or knowledge of, the world

naive unsophisticated unworldly ingenuous innocent guileless untutored wide-eyed moral nonmaterialistic immaterial kind low otherworldly religious unrefined


Opposite of of or relating to the middle class, (especially pejorative) their presumed overly conventional, conservative, and materialistic values



Opposite of making or intended to make a profit

noncommercial non-profit-making not-for-profit

Let the children run and jump and climb and PLAY !!!!

The sweeter I am The meaner he is

I rhyme all the time

"In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity we know our friends." -- John Churton Collins

What you yell and cry about shows what you care about most: Top priorities are in your voice

Isn't it ironic? Don't you think?

"What this power is I cannot say; all I know is that it exists and it becomes available only when a man is in that state of mind in which he knows exactly what he wants and is fully determined not to quit until he finds it." -- Alexander Graham Bell