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Felix Mendelssohn Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage, overture in D major, Op. 27 1999 12:20
Performed by: Hans Michael Beuerle, SWR Baden-Baden and Freiburg Sym, Freiburger Bachchor, Felix Mendelssohn, Janet Berridge, More Performance Details...
Johannes Brahms Alto Rhapsody, for alto, male chorus & orchestra, Op. 53 1999 12:42
Performed by: Hans Michael Beuerle, Barbara Holzl, SWR Baden-Baden and Freiburg Sym, Freiburger Bachchor, Johannes Brahms, More Performance Details...
Robert Schumann Requiem für Mignon, for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 98b 1999 11:45
Performed by: Hans Michael Beuerle, Detlef Roth, Kerstin Steube, Susanne Rohn, Annette Wieland, More Performance Details...
Felix Mendelssohn Die Erste Walpurgisnacht, cantata for chorus & orchestra, Op. 60 1999 32:25
Performed by: Hans Michael Beuerle, Christian Elsner, Barbara Holzl, Detlef Roth, SWR Baden-Baden and Freiburg Sym, More Performance Details...
Felix Mendelssohn Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage, overture in D major, Op. 27 1999 12:20
Performed by: Hans Michael Beuerle, SWR Baden-Baden and Freiburg Sym, Freiburger Bachchor, Felix Mendelssohn, Janet Berridge, More Performance Details...
Johannes Brahms Alto Rhapsody, for alto, male chorus & orchestra, Op. 53 1999 12:42
Performed by: Hans Michael Beuerle, Barbara Holzl, SWR Baden-Baden and Freiburg Sym, Freiburger Bachchor, Johannes Brahms, More Performance Details...
Robert Schumann Requiem für Mignon, for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 98b 1999 11:45
Performed by: Hans Michael Beuerle, Detlef Roth, Kerstin Steube, Susanne Rohn, Annette Wieland, More Performance Details...
Felix Mendelssohn Die Erste Walpurgisnacht, cantata for chorus & orchestra, Op. 60 1999 32:25
Performed by: Hans Michael Beuerle, Christian Elsner, Barbara Holzl, Detlef Roth, SWR Baden-Baden and Freiburg Sym, More Performance Details...
Lawsuit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lawsuit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search
"Civil action" redirects here. For the film of the same name, see A Civil Action.
This article does not cite any references or sources.
Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (April 2010)
‹ The template below (Globalize/USA) is being considered for deletion. See templates for discussion to help reach a consensus.›
The examples and perspective in this article deal primarily with the United States and do not represent a worldwide view of the subject. Please improve this article and discuss the issue on the talk page.
Civil procedure in the United States
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
Doctrines of civil procedure
Subject-matter jurisdiction
Diversity jurisdiction
Personal jurisdiction
Removal jurisdiction
Change of venue
Forum non conveniens
Pleadings and motions
Service of process
Cause of action
Case Information Statement
Class action
Class Action Fairness Act of 2005
Affirmative defense
Indispensable party
Pre-trial procedure
Request for Admissions
Resolution without trial
Default judgment
Summary judgment
Voluntary dismissal
Involuntary dismissal
Pro Se
Voir dire
Burden of proof
Judgment as a matter of law (JMOL)
Renewed JMOL (JNOV)
Motion to set aside judgment
New trial
Attorney's fees
American rule
English rule
Declaratory judgment
view/edit this box
A lawsuit, or "suit in law", is a civil action brought before a court of law in which a plaintiff, a party who claims to have received damages from a defendant's actions, seeks a legal or equitable remedy. The defendant is required to respond to the plaintiff's complaint. If the plaintiff is successful, judgment will be given in the plaintiff's favor, and a range of court orders may be issued to enforce a right, award damages, or impose an injunction to prevent an act or compel an act. A declaratory judgment may be issued to prevent future legal disputes.
A lawsuit may involve dispute resolution of private law issues between individuals, business entities or non-profit organizations. A lawsuit may also enable the state to be treated as if it were a private party in a civil case, as plaintiff or defendant regarding an injury, or may provide the state with a civil cause of action to enforce certain laws.
The conduct of a lawsuit is called litigation. One who has a tendency to litigate rather than seek non-judicial remedies is called litigious.[1]
Contents [hide]
1 Rules of procedure and complications in lawsuits
2 The progress of a lawsuit
2.1 Pleading
2.2 Pre-trial
3 Alternative Dispute Resolution
4 Revised Judicial Canons
4.1 Trial and judgment
4.2 Appeal
4.3 Enforcement
5 History of the term "lawsuit"
6 See also
7 References
[edit] Rules of procedure and complications in lawsuits
Rules of criminal or civil procedure govern the conduct of a lawsuit in the common law adversarial system of dispute resolution. Procedural rules are additionally constrained/informed by separate statutory laws, case law, and constitutional provisions that define the rights of the parties to a lawsuit (see especially due process), though the rules will generally reflect this legal context on their face. The details of procedure will differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and often from court to court within the same jurisdiction. The rules are very important for litigants to know, however, because they dictate the timing and progression of the lawsuit—what may be filed and when to get what result. Failure to comply with the procedural rules can result in serious limitations in conducting the trial or even dismissal of the lawsuit.
Direct contempt is a special summary procedure used in federal courts. It allows federal judges to order litigants to be incarcerated if they do not obey direct orders as to what they should file or do in another court. No U.S. Attorney participation is required. No statutory authority is needed. The aggrieved party simply requests a federal judge to put the plaintiff in a different court in jail if he or she doesn't obey a direct order to file a motion to voluntarily dismiss the action in the other court.
Though the majority of lawsuits are settled and never even get to trial,[2] they can expand into a very complicated process. This is particularly true in federal systems, where a federal court may be applying state law (e.g., the Erie doctrine in the United States) or vice versa, or one state applying the law of another, and where it additionally may not be clear which level (or location) of court actually has jurisdiction over the claim or personal jurisdiction over the defendant. Domestic courts are also often called upon to apply foreign law, or to act upon foreign defendants, over whom they may not, as a practical matter, even have the ability to enforce a judgment if the defendant's assets are outside their reach.
Lawsuits become additionally complicated as more parties become involved (see joinder). Within a "single" lawsuit, there can be any number of claims and defenses (all based on numerous laws) between any number of plaintiffs or defendants, who each can bring any number of cross-claims and counterclaims against each other, and even bring additional parties into the suit on either side after it progresses. However, courts typically have some power to separate out claims and parties into separate suits if it is more efficient to do so, such as if there is not a sufficient overlap of factual issues between the various claims.
[edit] The progress of a lawsuit
The following is a generalized description of how a lawsuit may proceed in a common law jurisdiction:
[edit] Pleading
Main article: Pleading
A lawsuit begins when a complaint is filed with the court. This complaint will state that one or more plaintiffs is seeking damages or equitable relief from one or more stated defendants, and will identify the legal and factual bases for doing so. It is important that the "plaintiff selects the proper venue with the proper jurisdiction to bring his lawsuit." The clerk of a court signs a summons, which is then served by the plaintiff upon the defendant, together with a copy of the complaint. This service notifies the defendants that they are being sued and that they have a specific time limit to file a response. By providing a copy of the complaint, the service also notifies the defendants of the nature of the claims. Once the defendants are served with the summons and complaint, they have a time limit to file an answer identifying their defenses to the plaintiff's claims, including any challenges to the court's jurisdiction, and any counterclaims they wish to assert against the plaintiff.
In many courts, a lawsuit begins when one or more plaintiffs properly serve a summons and complaint upon the defendant(s). In these states, the plaintiffs need not file the complaint with the district court clerk to commence the lawsuit. As in other court, the defendant(s) will have a specific time limit during which they may file their answer.
If the defendant chooses to file an answer within the time permitted, he/she must respond to each of the plaintiffs' allegations by admitting the allegation, denying it, or pleading a lack of sufficient information to admit or deny the allegation. At the time he files an answer, the defendant will also raise all "affirmative" defenses he may have. He may also assert any counterclaims for damages or equitable relief against the plaintiff, and in the case of "compulsory counterclaims," must do so or risk having the counterclaim barred in any subsequent proceeding. The defendant may also file a "third party complaint" in which he seeks to join another party or parties in the action if he believes those parties may be liable for some or all of the plaintiff's damages. Filing an answer "joins the cause" and moves the case into the pre-trial phase.
Instead of filing an answer within the time specified in the summons, the defendant can choose to dispute the validity of the complaint by filing one or more motions to dismiss. The motion must be filed within the time period specified in the summons for an answer. If all such motions are denied by the trial court, and the defendant loses on all appeals from such denials (if that option is available), then the defendant must file an answer.
Usually the pleadings are drafted by a lawyer, but in many courts persons can file papers and represent themselves, which is called appearing pro se. Many courts have a pro se clerk to assist people without lawyers.
[edit] Pre-trial
The early stages of the lawsuit may involve initial disclosures of evidence by each party and discovery, which is the ordered exchange of evidence and statements between the parties based on what they each expect to argue during the actual trial. Discovery is meant to eliminate surprises and clarify what the lawsuit is about, and perhaps to make a party realize they should settle or drop the claim, all before wasting court resources. At this point the parties may also engage in pretrial motion filing in order to exclude or include particular legal or factual issues before trial, by blocking the other party from presenting a particular witness or arguing a particular legal theory.
At the close of discovery, the parties may either pick a jury and then have a trial by jury or the case may proceed as a bench trial heard only by the judge if the parties waive a jury trial or if the right to a jury trial is not guaranteed for their particular claim (such as those under equity in the U.S.) or for any lawsuits within their jurisdiction.
[edit] Alternative Dispute Resolution
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Collaborative divorce
Collaborative law
Conflict resolution
Dispute resolution
Online dispute resolution
Party-directed mediation
Restorative justice
See also
v • d • e
Congress requires that all federal courts offer alternative dispute resolution in all civil actions including bankruptcy. A neutral third party participates to assist in the resolution of issues in controversy. Except as defined in section 1654 participation by litigants is voluntary and not binding.[3] Section 1654 does not allow arbitration when the participants do not agree, there is a claimed violation of a constitutional right, or the amount in controversy is more than $150,000 but mediation can still be used in those cases.[4] The only exception to this mandate is for pro se litigants. Although Congress requires the procedure to be offered to all litigants, many federal courts do not allow pro se litigants to participate even when they pay the full filing fee.[5]
[edit] Revised Judicial Canons
The current code of conduct for United States Judges requires "A judge should accord to every person who is legally interested in a proceeding, or the person's lawyer full right to be heard according to law". On March 17, 2009, a new code, going into effect on July 1, 2009, was announced requiring "A judge should accord to every person who has a legal interest in a proceeding, and that person’s lawyer, the full right to be heard according to law." The wording was changed from a person "or" their lawyer to a person "and" their lawyer.[6][7][8]
[edit] Trial and judgment
The lawsuit may then proceed similarly to a criminal trial, with each side presenting witnesses and submitting evidence, at the close of which the judge or jury renders their decision. Generally speaking, the plaintiff has the burden of proof in making his claims, which means that it is up to him to produce enough evidence to persuade the judge or jury that his claim should succeed. The defendant may have the burden of proof on other issues, however, such as affirmative defenses.
There are numerous motions that either party can file throughout the lawsuit to terminate it "prematurely"—before submission to the judge or jury for final consideration. These motions attempt to persuade the judge, through legal argument and sometimes accompanying evidence, that because there is no reasonable way that the other party could legally win, there is no sense in continuing with the trial. Motions for summary judgment, for example, can usually be brought before, after, or during the actual presentation of the case. Motions can also be brought after the close of a trial to undo a jury verdict that is contrary to law or against the weight of the evidence, or to convince the judge that he should change his decision or grant a new trial.
Also, at any time during this process from the filing of the complaint to the final judgment, the plaintiff may withdraw his complaint and end the whole matter, or the defendant may agree to a settlement, which involves a negotiated award followed also by the plaintiff withdrawing his complaint and the settlement entered into the court record.
[edit] Appeal
After a final decision has been made, either party or both may appeal from the judgment if they are unhappy with it (and their jurisdiction grants the ability). Even the prevailing party may appeal, if, for example, they wanted a larger award than was granted. The appellate court (which may be structured as an intermediate appellate court) and a higher court will then affirm the judgment, refuse to hear it (which effectively affirms), reverse, or vacate and remand, which involves sending the lawsuit back to the lower trial court to address an unresolved issue, or possibly for a whole new trial. Some lawsuits go up and down the appeals ladder repeatedly before finally being resolved.
Often individuals fail to realize that facts may not be changed in an appellate court. If a party does not present a fact at the trial court level, he or she generally cannot introduce new facts upon appeal. When the matter has finally been resolved, or the allotted time to file an appeal has expired, the matter is res judicata. The plaintiff is precluded from bringing an action resulting from the same claim again. In addition, other parties who later attempt to re-litigate a matter already ruled upon from a previous lawsuit will be estopped from doing so.[9]
[edit] Enforcement
When a final judgment is entered, the plaintiff will likely be barred under res judicata from trying to bring the same or similar claim again against that defendant, or from relitigating any of the issues, even under different legal claims or theories. This prevents a new trial of the same case with a different result, or if the plaintiff won, a repeat trial that merely multiplies the judgment against the defendant.
If the judgment is for the plaintiff, then the defendant must comply under penalty of law with the judgment, which will usually be a monetary award. If the defendant fails to pay, the court has various powers to seize any of the defendant's assets located within its jurisdiction, such as:
Bank account garnishment
Wage garnishment
If all assets are located elsewhere, the plaintiff must file another suit in the appropriate court to seek enforcement of the other court's previous judgment. This can be a difficult task when crossing from a court in one state or nation to another, though courts tend to grant each other respect when there is not a clear legal rule to the contrary. A defendant who has no assets in any jurisdiction is said to be "judgment-proof."[10] The term is generally a colloquialism to describe an impecunious defendant.
Indigent judgment-proof defendants are no longer imprisoned; debtor's prisons have been outlawed by statute, constitutional amendment, or international human rights treaties in the vast majority of common law jurisdictions.
[edit] History of the term "lawsuit"
During the 18th and 19th centuries, it was common for lawyers to speak of bringing an "action" at law and a "suit" in equity. The fusion of common law and equity in the Judicature Acts of 1873 and 1875 led to the collapse of that distinction, so it became possible to speak of a "lawsuit".
In England and Wales the term "claim" is far more common; the person initiating proceedings is called the claimant.
American terminology is slightly different, in that the term "claim" refers only to a particular count (or cause of action) in a lawsuit. Americans also use "claim" to describe a demand filed with an insurer or administrative agency. If the claim is denied, then the claimant (or policyholder or applicant) files a lawsuit with the courts and becomes a plaintiff.
In medieval times, both "action" and "suit" had the approximate meaning of some kind of legal proceeding, but an action terminated when a judgment was rendered, while a suit also included the execution of the judgment.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search
"Civil action" redirects here. For the film of the same name, see A Civil Action.
This article does not cite any references or sources.
Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (April 2010)
‹ The template below (Globalize/USA) is being considered for deletion. See templates for discussion to help reach a consensus.›
The examples and perspective in this article deal primarily with the United States and do not represent a worldwide view of the subject. Please improve this article and discuss the issue on the talk page.
Civil procedure in the United States
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
Doctrines of civil procedure
Subject-matter jurisdiction
Diversity jurisdiction
Personal jurisdiction
Removal jurisdiction
Change of venue
Forum non conveniens
Pleadings and motions
Service of process
Cause of action
Case Information Statement
Class action
Class Action Fairness Act of 2005
Affirmative defense
Indispensable party
Pre-trial procedure
Request for Admissions
Resolution without trial
Default judgment
Summary judgment
Voluntary dismissal
Involuntary dismissal
Pro Se
Voir dire
Burden of proof
Judgment as a matter of law (JMOL)
Renewed JMOL (JNOV)
Motion to set aside judgment
New trial
Attorney's fees
American rule
English rule
Declaratory judgment
view/edit this box
A lawsuit, or "suit in law", is a civil action brought before a court of law in which a plaintiff, a party who claims to have received damages from a defendant's actions, seeks a legal or equitable remedy. The defendant is required to respond to the plaintiff's complaint. If the plaintiff is successful, judgment will be given in the plaintiff's favor, and a range of court orders may be issued to enforce a right, award damages, or impose an injunction to prevent an act or compel an act. A declaratory judgment may be issued to prevent future legal disputes.
A lawsuit may involve dispute resolution of private law issues between individuals, business entities or non-profit organizations. A lawsuit may also enable the state to be treated as if it were a private party in a civil case, as plaintiff or defendant regarding an injury, or may provide the state with a civil cause of action to enforce certain laws.
The conduct of a lawsuit is called litigation. One who has a tendency to litigate rather than seek non-judicial remedies is called litigious.[1]
Contents [hide]
1 Rules of procedure and complications in lawsuits
2 The progress of a lawsuit
2.1 Pleading
2.2 Pre-trial
3 Alternative Dispute Resolution
4 Revised Judicial Canons
4.1 Trial and judgment
4.2 Appeal
4.3 Enforcement
5 History of the term "lawsuit"
6 See also
7 References
[edit] Rules of procedure and complications in lawsuits
Rules of criminal or civil procedure govern the conduct of a lawsuit in the common law adversarial system of dispute resolution. Procedural rules are additionally constrained/informed by separate statutory laws, case law, and constitutional provisions that define the rights of the parties to a lawsuit (see especially due process), though the rules will generally reflect this legal context on their face. The details of procedure will differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and often from court to court within the same jurisdiction. The rules are very important for litigants to know, however, because they dictate the timing and progression of the lawsuit—what may be filed and when to get what result. Failure to comply with the procedural rules can result in serious limitations in conducting the trial or even dismissal of the lawsuit.
Direct contempt is a special summary procedure used in federal courts. It allows federal judges to order litigants to be incarcerated if they do not obey direct orders as to what they should file or do in another court. No U.S. Attorney participation is required. No statutory authority is needed. The aggrieved party simply requests a federal judge to put the plaintiff in a different court in jail if he or she doesn't obey a direct order to file a motion to voluntarily dismiss the action in the other court.
Though the majority of lawsuits are settled and never even get to trial,[2] they can expand into a very complicated process. This is particularly true in federal systems, where a federal court may be applying state law (e.g., the Erie doctrine in the United States) or vice versa, or one state applying the law of another, and where it additionally may not be clear which level (or location) of court actually has jurisdiction over the claim or personal jurisdiction over the defendant. Domestic courts are also often called upon to apply foreign law, or to act upon foreign defendants, over whom they may not, as a practical matter, even have the ability to enforce a judgment if the defendant's assets are outside their reach.
Lawsuits become additionally complicated as more parties become involved (see joinder). Within a "single" lawsuit, there can be any number of claims and defenses (all based on numerous laws) between any number of plaintiffs or defendants, who each can bring any number of cross-claims and counterclaims against each other, and even bring additional parties into the suit on either side after it progresses. However, courts typically have some power to separate out claims and parties into separate suits if it is more efficient to do so, such as if there is not a sufficient overlap of factual issues between the various claims.
[edit] The progress of a lawsuit
The following is a generalized description of how a lawsuit may proceed in a common law jurisdiction:
[edit] Pleading
Main article: Pleading
A lawsuit begins when a complaint is filed with the court. This complaint will state that one or more plaintiffs is seeking damages or equitable relief from one or more stated defendants, and will identify the legal and factual bases for doing so. It is important that the "plaintiff selects the proper venue with the proper jurisdiction to bring his lawsuit." The clerk of a court signs a summons, which is then served by the plaintiff upon the defendant, together with a copy of the complaint. This service notifies the defendants that they are being sued and that they have a specific time limit to file a response. By providing a copy of the complaint, the service also notifies the defendants of the nature of the claims. Once the defendants are served with the summons and complaint, they have a time limit to file an answer identifying their defenses to the plaintiff's claims, including any challenges to the court's jurisdiction, and any counterclaims they wish to assert against the plaintiff.
In many courts, a lawsuit begins when one or more plaintiffs properly serve a summons and complaint upon the defendant(s). In these states, the plaintiffs need not file the complaint with the district court clerk to commence the lawsuit. As in other court, the defendant(s) will have a specific time limit during which they may file their answer.
If the defendant chooses to file an answer within the time permitted, he/she must respond to each of the plaintiffs' allegations by admitting the allegation, denying it, or pleading a lack of sufficient information to admit or deny the allegation. At the time he files an answer, the defendant will also raise all "affirmative" defenses he may have. He may also assert any counterclaims for damages or equitable relief against the plaintiff, and in the case of "compulsory counterclaims," must do so or risk having the counterclaim barred in any subsequent proceeding. The defendant may also file a "third party complaint" in which he seeks to join another party or parties in the action if he believes those parties may be liable for some or all of the plaintiff's damages. Filing an answer "joins the cause" and moves the case into the pre-trial phase.
Instead of filing an answer within the time specified in the summons, the defendant can choose to dispute the validity of the complaint by filing one or more motions to dismiss. The motion must be filed within the time period specified in the summons for an answer. If all such motions are denied by the trial court, and the defendant loses on all appeals from such denials (if that option is available), then the defendant must file an answer.
Usually the pleadings are drafted by a lawyer, but in many courts persons can file papers and represent themselves, which is called appearing pro se. Many courts have a pro se clerk to assist people without lawyers.
[edit] Pre-trial
The early stages of the lawsuit may involve initial disclosures of evidence by each party and discovery, which is the ordered exchange of evidence and statements between the parties based on what they each expect to argue during the actual trial. Discovery is meant to eliminate surprises and clarify what the lawsuit is about, and perhaps to make a party realize they should settle or drop the claim, all before wasting court resources. At this point the parties may also engage in pretrial motion filing in order to exclude or include particular legal or factual issues before trial, by blocking the other party from presenting a particular witness or arguing a particular legal theory.
At the close of discovery, the parties may either pick a jury and then have a trial by jury or the case may proceed as a bench trial heard only by the judge if the parties waive a jury trial or if the right to a jury trial is not guaranteed for their particular claim (such as those under equity in the U.S.) or for any lawsuits within their jurisdiction.
[edit] Alternative Dispute Resolution
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Collaborative divorce
Collaborative law
Conflict resolution
Dispute resolution
Online dispute resolution
Party-directed mediation
Restorative justice
See also
v • d • e
Congress requires that all federal courts offer alternative dispute resolution in all civil actions including bankruptcy. A neutral third party participates to assist in the resolution of issues in controversy. Except as defined in section 1654 participation by litigants is voluntary and not binding.[3] Section 1654 does not allow arbitration when the participants do not agree, there is a claimed violation of a constitutional right, or the amount in controversy is more than $150,000 but mediation can still be used in those cases.[4] The only exception to this mandate is for pro se litigants. Although Congress requires the procedure to be offered to all litigants, many federal courts do not allow pro se litigants to participate even when they pay the full filing fee.[5]
[edit] Revised Judicial Canons
The current code of conduct for United States Judges requires "A judge should accord to every person who is legally interested in a proceeding, or the person's lawyer full right to be heard according to law". On March 17, 2009, a new code, going into effect on July 1, 2009, was announced requiring "A judge should accord to every person who has a legal interest in a proceeding, and that person’s lawyer, the full right to be heard according to law." The wording was changed from a person "or" their lawyer to a person "and" their lawyer.[6][7][8]
[edit] Trial and judgment
The lawsuit may then proceed similarly to a criminal trial, with each side presenting witnesses and submitting evidence, at the close of which the judge or jury renders their decision. Generally speaking, the plaintiff has the burden of proof in making his claims, which means that it is up to him to produce enough evidence to persuade the judge or jury that his claim should succeed. The defendant may have the burden of proof on other issues, however, such as affirmative defenses.
There are numerous motions that either party can file throughout the lawsuit to terminate it "prematurely"—before submission to the judge or jury for final consideration. These motions attempt to persuade the judge, through legal argument and sometimes accompanying evidence, that because there is no reasonable way that the other party could legally win, there is no sense in continuing with the trial. Motions for summary judgment, for example, can usually be brought before, after, or during the actual presentation of the case. Motions can also be brought after the close of a trial to undo a jury verdict that is contrary to law or against the weight of the evidence, or to convince the judge that he should change his decision or grant a new trial.
Also, at any time during this process from the filing of the complaint to the final judgment, the plaintiff may withdraw his complaint and end the whole matter, or the defendant may agree to a settlement, which involves a negotiated award followed also by the plaintiff withdrawing his complaint and the settlement entered into the court record.
[edit] Appeal
After a final decision has been made, either party or both may appeal from the judgment if they are unhappy with it (and their jurisdiction grants the ability). Even the prevailing party may appeal, if, for example, they wanted a larger award than was granted. The appellate court (which may be structured as an intermediate appellate court) and a higher court will then affirm the judgment, refuse to hear it (which effectively affirms), reverse, or vacate and remand, which involves sending the lawsuit back to the lower trial court to address an unresolved issue, or possibly for a whole new trial. Some lawsuits go up and down the appeals ladder repeatedly before finally being resolved.
Often individuals fail to realize that facts may not be changed in an appellate court. If a party does not present a fact at the trial court level, he or she generally cannot introduce new facts upon appeal. When the matter has finally been resolved, or the allotted time to file an appeal has expired, the matter is res judicata. The plaintiff is precluded from bringing an action resulting from the same claim again. In addition, other parties who later attempt to re-litigate a matter already ruled upon from a previous lawsuit will be estopped from doing so.[9]
[edit] Enforcement
When a final judgment is entered, the plaintiff will likely be barred under res judicata from trying to bring the same or similar claim again against that defendant, or from relitigating any of the issues, even under different legal claims or theories. This prevents a new trial of the same case with a different result, or if the plaintiff won, a repeat trial that merely multiplies the judgment against the defendant.
If the judgment is for the plaintiff, then the defendant must comply under penalty of law with the judgment, which will usually be a monetary award. If the defendant fails to pay, the court has various powers to seize any of the defendant's assets located within its jurisdiction, such as:
Bank account garnishment
Wage garnishment
If all assets are located elsewhere, the plaintiff must file another suit in the appropriate court to seek enforcement of the other court's previous judgment. This can be a difficult task when crossing from a court in one state or nation to another, though courts tend to grant each other respect when there is not a clear legal rule to the contrary. A defendant who has no assets in any jurisdiction is said to be "judgment-proof."[10] The term is generally a colloquialism to describe an impecunious defendant.
Indigent judgment-proof defendants are no longer imprisoned; debtor's prisons have been outlawed by statute, constitutional amendment, or international human rights treaties in the vast majority of common law jurisdictions.
[edit] History of the term "lawsuit"
During the 18th and 19th centuries, it was common for lawyers to speak of bringing an "action" at law and a "suit" in equity. The fusion of common law and equity in the Judicature Acts of 1873 and 1875 led to the collapse of that distinction, so it became possible to speak of a "lawsuit".
In England and Wales the term "claim" is far more common; the person initiating proceedings is called the claimant.
American terminology is slightly different, in that the term "claim" refers only to a particular count (or cause of action) in a lawsuit. Americans also use "claim" to describe a demand filed with an insurer or administrative agency. If the claim is denied, then the claimant (or policyholder or applicant) files a lawsuit with the courts and becomes a plaintiff.
In medieval times, both "action" and "suit" had the approximate meaning of some kind of legal proceeding, but an action terminated when a judgment was rendered, while a suit also included the execution of the judgment.
Eric Greenspan : : Technology CEO : : Producer : : Customer Experience Activist — Eric Greenspan: CEO, Make It Work :: Managing Partner, MIW Media :: Executive Producer, Tech Radio :: Builder of the Mind Blowing Customer Experience
Eric Greenspan : : Technology CEO : : Producer : : Customer Experience Activist — Eric Greenspan: CEO, Make It Work :: Managing Partner, MIW Media :: Executive Producer, Tech Radio :: Builder of the Mind Blowing Customer Experience
Name Eric Greenspan
Location Santa Barbara, CA
Bio Builder of stress-free digital lifestyles, mind blowing customer experiences, radio and social media convergence. Make It Work CEO. TEDster/TEDx host. Foodie.
Name Eric Greenspan
Location Santa Barbara, CA
Bio Builder of stress-free digital lifestyles, mind blowing customer experiences, radio and social media convergence. Make It Work CEO. TEDster/TEDx host. Foodie.
KelseasBanginHot - Discogs Marketplace
KelseasBanginHot - Discogs Marketplace
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Location Florida, USA
Bio Quality vintage vinyl. TONS of titles. Psychadelic Rock, Blues, Folk, Funk, and MORE! Follow for Updates and DEALS!
Name Kelz McBelz
Location Florida, USA
Bio Quality vintage vinyl. TONS of titles. Psychadelic Rock, Blues, Folk, Funk, and MORE! Follow for Updates and DEALS!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Vans Warped Tour 2010
Vans Warped Tour 2010
Vans Warped Tour 2010<br />

Featured Kia Kevin Says Stage Band - Flatfoot 56
Posted Yesterday 8:00 PM by pk2112EIY Daily On The Road Workshop And Scene Meet Up
Posted Jun 14, 2010 11:30 AM by pk2112- Read The Rest (187 more words)
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